What an exciting and beautiful Mountain Kilimanjaro is! A snow-capped mountain in east Africa comprised of tremendous history and amazing features.

Mount Kilimanjaro is located in north-eastern Tanzania and known for being a dormant volcano in the country which last erupted between 150,000 and 200,000 years ago. In Africa, it stands to be the highest standing at 5,895m above sea level.

The name Kilimanjaro is believed to have originated from the Swahili word of the Chagga people meaning the hill snow caped (‘kilima’ meaning hill and ‘njaro’ meaning snow caped/ glaciers on the summit).

It comprises of three volcanic cones, including Kibo, Mawenzi and Shira. Kibo becoming the highest at Uhuru peak, and Shira the lowest peak hence calling this mountain the highest single free-standing mountain in the world. Note that Kilimanjaro’s summit is not a “peak” is the highest point on the crater rim of Kibo.

Mount. Kilimanjaro is a big attraction site in Tanzania and the whole of Africa at large because it harbours much wildlife such as, Elephants and Cape buffaloes are among the animals that can be potentially hazardous to trekkers. Bushbucks, chameleons, dik-diks, beautiful scenery, and different cultures like the Chagga people. This has attracted thousands of people from all over the world.

What’s more exciting is that almost every kind of ecological system is found on the mountain: cultivated land, rain forest, heath, moorland, alpine desert and an arctic summit.

Therefore, taking a hike to this mount is adventurous and the hike starts from either Moshi or Arusha the towns of Tanzania which are the main starting points. These offer the best accommodation sites, shops and market centres. Hiking can take about 5 days but for a great experience, 7 days will be the best option to reach the summit of Uhuru.

Hiking Kilimanjaro Mountain does not require skills or training, as long as you are physically fit, you can hike this mountain. The specialist hike guides accompanied by potters will enable or guide you through the beautiful trails as you explore nature.

How to get to Mount Kilimanjaro?

This mountain can be accessed by road from the nearby town of Moshi which takes about 45 minutes and Arusha which can take about 1 hour’s drive. The closest airport is Kilimanjaro international airport with direct flights from all over the world.

Also, you can travel by shuttle and bus options from Kenya to take you to Moshi or Arusha in Tanzania. The roads seem to be rough most of the time making it more adventurous.

What is the best time to hike Mount. Kilimanjaro?

We recommend hiking Mount Kilimanjaro in dry and warm seasons from December to March and June to October. The wet and cold season is comprised of rains, mud, snow, mist and fog which cause obstruction, making it hard to view properly. Unlike the dry season with warmth, skies become blue and hence provide beautiful viewing points.

Note that in Africa rain is unpredictable and so you are advised to carry your own raincoat, hiking shoes, headlight torch for lighting, sleeping bag, a tent, camera to take memorable photos, long-sleeved shirt, and insect repellents among others.

Are you ready to take a hike to Mount. Kilimanjaro? Our team is ready to organise the best safari to this mighty mountain in Africa. The safari can be based on your budget, schedule and number of people. Also, a honeymoon safari to this mountain is an ideal option.

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Tour details

  • Tour Type Game Drive
  • Country Tanzania
  • National Languages Swahili
  • Time Zone GMT+3
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